
We have two invaluable resources available for society members to consult in the Planetarium:


Over 160 astronomy oriented text books spanning from the 19th century to the present day. These are available, by prior arrangement with the planetarium director, to be consulted in the building or on a lending scheme basis. A database file (168kB Microsoft mdb fomat) detailing this library is available to view or download by

A database file Library.mdb 168kb

Sky Survey

A set of prints of the Mt. Palomar sky survey from the 1950s (with overlays) covering latitudes -40deg to +90deg in 6deg by 6deg fields. These were donated by Cambridge University department of Astronomical Sciences. This is an invaluable resource, particularly for the hunters of near earth objects such as comets and asteroids. The prints are only available for viewing in the planetarium by prior arrangement with the director. A spreadsheet (68kB Microsoft xls format) file detailing which areas of sky are covered is also available to view and download by

A spreadsheet Sky_Survey.xls 68kB

Telescopes for Loan

CaDAS owns three telescopes, a 8-inch Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain, 10-inch f/6 Meade 880 equatorial Newtonian (currently with John McCue) and a 4.5" f/8.5 catadioptric Newtonian (“Konusmotor“) which are available for loan to Society members provided you have been a member of CaDAS for at least 1 year.

If you would like to borrow one of the telescopes, please contact Peter Hanna Curator of Instruments, see contacts list. You will be able to collect it at one of our meetings, and return it at the next. All the telescopes can be transported by car. The telescopes must be properly looked after, and stored indoors when not in use.

Telescope Loan Form

Double-star Catalog Form

A spreadsheet Doubles cat from CDSA.xlsx 48.8KB